Sunday, August 9, 2009

Riding doesn't have to cost you a fortune!

Over the years motorcycle shop rates have been inching up, $80 per hour and up are very common. Everyone has the ability to learn so why not you!

Buying that new or used motorcycle is always fun but as you put on those miles it also needs proper maintenance. People mention paying $1oo or more to get a basic oil change. Dealers need to make money so they can provide us with their services, but it never hurts to learn the basics if you want to save.

Where do we start?

Start by purchasing a factory repair manual, then find a Mentor that is willing to show you the basics of maintaining your motorcycle. Most people with years of experience will guide you in the right direction plus we always enjoy sharing our knowledge.

Doing the simple fluid changes and minor adjustments can save you a pile of cash without jeopardizing the integrity of your motorcycle. Save all your receipts and don't forget to document the mileage. Learning the basics will allow you to be more safety conscious adding more satisfaction to your experience!

These steps will bring you years of enjoyable riding along with new friendships.

Ride safe,

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