Friday, May 29, 2009

Additional fees with Credit Card reform?

Wow how the time passes!! Hopefully you have been following my updates on Twitter as I'm more of a 140 character person than a blogger..

It has been a busy spring starting with the flooding and then all the cool spring like weather. Finally I can tell summer is here as the gas prices have been going up and that is a sure sign of SUMMER, as for me riding a Harley sure does make a difference when it's time to fill the gas tank. Having fun and saving fuel, what a concept!

The biggest news in the financial world this past month was the Credit Card reform that the Senate passed. I have mixed emotions about this reform and I feel it will eventually hurt the average consumer with additional fees.

So here is my buyers beware...
Watch for additional Fees...

Now I hope that I am wrong on this idea

The Credit Card Companies want to make money, when they lose the ability to generate income they always find other alternatives for the shortfall. This is business but it is unfortunate our government has to create laws to govern the industry. I do feel if government wants to help, start educating the public about using credit and the cost of having debt.

My advice is watch your monthly statements, read any updated customer agreement. If you don't like the terms don't do the deal. Work on keeping that credit score in the best shape, this alone is a major cost savings. The fallout from the current credit crunch will be costly for anyone that has damaged their credit.

Don't forget FDI has some great services that helps restore those credit scores back to the best possible shape! Bad credit is big business and at your expense, become proactive and fight back..

Now its time to enjoy our nice weather!

Prosper and enjoy,

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